Package Design | Project 2
We were tasked in creating a package solution for a series of preparedness items and create a box or some other engineered container to house the items. The “kits” shall reflect products/items that are “design for good,” aid or relief a person(s), an animal, or the environment. We were to focus on simplicity, style, easy storage access and clarity (informational) of how their kits are to be used when in need. Initially we worked in groups to research and collaborate on sketches and concepts, but we individually we're responsible for our own unique graphic system and approach. Practical function and communication are paramount, as to provide clear solutions to users who want to be well, might be in distress, are providing community aid, or just fixing a flat tire. Kits and those items within the kit should not be over built. Design constraints related to cost and distribution are important factors to incorporate into final solutions.